Who I Work With
- I coach senior and up-and-coming executives and business owners.
- The one thing that distinguishes them is this: they are serious about growing themselves as leaders and influencers.
Clients' Problems
- My clients face multiple challenges. Like leading change and shifting people’s mindsets. Or motivating staff to raise their performance. Or steering a group of opinionated direct reports. Or asserting themselves with powerful peers. Or having to handle stakeholders with multiple perspectives. The pressure doesn’t let up.
- The trouble is, leadership roles have a knack of exposing your greatest fears about yourself. Everyone has them. You might feel you lack leadership presence. Or carry a fear of failure. Or a nagging dread of conflict. For some these doubts show as anxiety. For others, as non-assertiveness or staleness.
- How do you get beyond these feelings and perform better under pressure while enjoying what you’re doing? Most people struggle with this and end up feeling stuck.
- If you stay stuck, the impact on your leadership and effect on your organisation can be serious. You may see worsening employee engagement, causing productivity and innovation to fall. Strategy execution may slip and financial results can eventually slide. Talented people then start to leave.
- And that’s when you’ll feel the pressure even more.
Coaching Outcomes
- My clients achieve measurable shifts in their presence, flexibility, resilience and behavioural skill even under pressure.
- I start with your inner beliefs and then – and only then – focus on helping you change your behavioural habits. Yes, you’ll have to put effort in, but it works.
- You’ll see two examples of my clients’ results in the before-and-after-coaching graphs below.
Client Ratings on 32 Leadership Qualities Under Pressure

- As you can see, both clients eliminated their key weaknesses (negative scores) and boosted their strengths (positive scores).
- Huge gains like these benefit you and your organisation. The end results? Higher revenues. Reduced costs. Improved cash flow. Better customer service. Greater, faster innovation.
Example: Jack's Story
- Jack ran a manufacturing plant with 250 employees. He got things done and always hit his targets. But he didn’t connect with people. Even worse, a 360° survey showed that his best people were on the verge of rebelling or leaving the business.
- Jack was shocked when he read the results. He said, “It was horrible. I couldn’t sleep properly for three days.”
- He worked with me for 13 months. Slowly but surely he mastered the limiting beliefs controlling his behaviour and started practising new habits in pressurised situations. The more effort he put in, the more he changed.
- Then we repeated the 360° survey. It showed what his boss described as a “transformation”. Now people trusted him and saw him as visible, approachable, inspiring and caring. He and his boss were delighted. Jack was now a real leader.
- Jack went on to add $1 million to profits through one of his initiatives, bringing him global recognition within the company.
Free 90 minute strategy session
I’m offering you a free strategy session.
It has three aims. One, to help you refine your vision for your business or department. Two, to help you discern more clearly the challenges you’ll face if you’re to realise that vision. Three, to help you see what you need to get better at.